Improve your financial health with

personal attention and

custom programs


Imagine a life without stress and worry about money

It all starts with clarity!

I believe you are ready to improve your financial life. Ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck, and feel excited about your financial future. The first step is understanding where your money is going.  Once that baseline is set, we develop a plan to create more money right now, as well as setting financial goals for the future.

And it gets better.

Money coaching (or financial coaching) is more than helping you get out of debt, or putting a plan together to reach your financial goals. A big part of money coaching is a mindset. Money coaching explores your thoughts and changing your thoughts will improve your results.  If you want different results with your money, then you need to change the way you think about money.

Benefits of Money Coaching

(And I will help keep you on course!)

  • Develop an Abundance Plan
  • Eliminating debt
  • Setting short and long term goals
  • Improving your money mindset
  • Reduced stress with paying bills
  • Better sleep
  • Less arguments with loved ones
  • Feeling of confidence with managing money
  • More time on your hands to spend enjoying what’s important
  • More opportunities to travel, or reach goals that you have been dreaming about
  • Feeling of empowerment
Book Your Road to Financial Freedom Session!


You are ready for change. Ready to see your bank account increase, debt disappears, and investments growing to reach your financial long term goals. You believe financial freedom is possible! Learn how to mindfully save and spend while improving your financial health.

Most people admit that they just wish they had a plan to follow. With the Road to Financial Freedom session, your goals and priorities are taken into account to develop a custom plan and action steps to start moving towards financial freedom today.

This session includes the following:

  • Determine your Income and Expenses
  • Develop your customized Abundance Plan
  • Build your Debt Elimination Strategy
  • Actionable steps to move towards Financial Freedom

“After the Road to the Financial Freedom session, I felt amazing! I realize my situation wasn’t as bad as I thought, and now I have simple steps and a plan to follow to improve my finances. I am excited about my financial future!”

Additional Programs Available After Completion of

The Road to Financial Freedom Session

30 Day Money Bootcamp

This is a high octane program where you will improve your money management skills and financial health as quickly as possible, without taking the joy out of living life.

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Financial Freedom Program

The process continues with weekly and bi-weekly check-ins to keep you on track with your financial goals, and improve your money mindset.

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Journey to Home Ownership

This 90-day program will prepare you with what to expect financially as a new homeowner, making the decision process a smart one that won’t bankrupt your future.

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90 Day Journey to Rebuilding Credit

Life happens, and sometimes your credit takes a hit. Learn strategies to improve your score as fast as possible. 

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Marriage and Money

Communicating with a partner about money can be a challenge. This program will help couples understand how to manage finances together and plan goals for the future.

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Business Mastery

Entrepreneurs often fail to see the connection between personal and business finances. Learn why it’s important to master both while creating habits for success.

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Before I had the benefit of Danielle’s coaching, I was anxious about how I was going to pay off my massive student loans while saving for a house and retirement. Now I have a realistic plan for all of that (and more!) while still enjoying life and travelling. I rave about her to everyone I know! If you’re struggling or just want to get excited about your future, you HAVE TO meet her.

Sam P.