Ready to take paying your bills and budgeting off your to do list?

Paying bills and working on budgets and cash flow spreadsheets can take time. And sometimes, people struggle with money not because they are bad with managing money, but because there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything in an already busy schedule.

This is where having a Daily Money Manager program can help!

We pay all your bills. On time, every time.

Seniors and Direct Money Management

Life happens. Health issues can happen at any time, but as we get older, memory loss, and other ailments can cause us to forget to keep up with financial responsibilities. Not to mention the many scams on the go, especially with seniors, instilling fear if they don’t “Pay now or else”.

Having a DMM, family members can relax knowing financial responsibilities are taken care of by a professional, and any fraudulent activity will be hampered as there is someone to contact when questions arise, and financial statements are checked closely every month.

How it Works

With the DMM program, we review and pay client bills, but we do more than that. We analyze them as well, and as a result, we have saved clients actual money due to bogus fees or inaccurate statements that might have been missed being pressed for time. It is not unusual to find many mistakes and erroneous charges we find on bills that we can get waived.

In addition to paying your bills, we will submit for reimbursements, dispute charges, settle credit card or debt balances, shop for your insurance. A lot of the boring stuff most people don’t want to do, and don’t have time to do.

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Getting Started

Step 1
We get organized. We make a list of all your bills and expenses along with due dates so we know what to pay and when to pay it
Step 2
We determine how much you need each pay period or month for spending money.
Step 3
We receive all your bills via email or mail. This way we can ensure there are no hidden fees or errors.
Step 4
We determine how often you want to receive reporting and communication. Each client can establish their own parameters. We can start with you being very involved and as you get comfortable, we can taper off.

For More Information

Book a Free 20 minute Q & A Session